Đọc thêm Sói_xám

  • (tiếng Ý) Apollonio, Marco; Mattioli, Luca (2006). Il Lupo in Provincia di Arezzo. Editrice Le Balze. ISBN 88-7539-123-8
  • (tiếng Nga) Bibikov, D. I. (1985). “The Wolf: History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology”. Nauka, Moscow, USSR. ASIN B001A1TKK4
  • (tiếng Tây Ban Nha) Blanco, Juan Carlos; Cortés, Yolanda (2001). Ecología, censos, percepción y evolución del lobo en España: análisis de un conflicto (PDF). Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). ISBN 84-607-3896-5
  • Boitani, Luigi (2000). Action Plan for the conservation of the wolves (Canis lupus) in Europe (PDF). Council of Europe Publishing. 
  • Busch, Robert H. (2009). Wolf Almanac. The Lyons Press. ISBN 1-59921-069-X
  • Coleman, Jon T. (2006). Vicious: Wolves and Men in America. Yale University Press. ISBN 0300119720
  • Dutcher, Jim; Dutcher, Jamie (2003). Wolves at Our Door: The Extraordinary Story of the Couple Who Lived with Wolves. William Andrew. ISBN 0-7434-0049-6
  • Fischer, Hank (1995). Wolf Wars. Falcon. ISBN 1560443529
  • Fuller, Todd K. (2004). “Wolves of the World”. Voyageur Press. ISBN 0896586405
  • Grooms, Steve (1999). “Return of the Wolf”. Northword Press. ISBN 1559717173
  • Hampton, Bruce (1997). The Great American Wolf. Holt Paperbacks. ISBN 0805055282
  • Harrington, Fred H.; Paquet, Paul C. (1982). Wolves of the world: perspectives of behavior, ecology, and conservation. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-8155-0905-7
  • Mech, L. David (1993). “The Way of the Wolf”. Voyageur Press. ISBN 0896581799
  • McIntyre, Rick (1996). A Society of Wolves: National Parks and the Battle over the Wolf. Voyageur Press. ISBN 0896583252
  • McNamee, Thomas (1998). The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone. Holt Paperbacks. ISBN 0805057927
  • Musiani, Marco; Boitani, Luigi; Paquet, Paul C. (2010). The World of Wolves: New Perspectives on Ecology, Behaviour, and Management. University of Calgary Press. ISBN 1-55238-269-9
  • Nie, Martin (2003). Beyond Wolves: The Politics of Wolf Recovery and Management. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 0300119720
  • (tiếng Nga) Pavlov, Mikhail P. (1982). “The Wolf in Game Management”. Agropromizdat, Moscow. 

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